
Portfolio Element is the super-class containing all sub-classes e. g. Value Stream in UPM-X. This document shows the fields on the Portfolio Element table.

#Incidentsn_incidentsIntegerYESThe aggregation of all incidents related to the Portfolio Elements within the last 12 months.
#Outdated Softwaren_outdated_softwareIntegerYESThe #Outdated Software shows the number of Software Products that reached the Expiration, Exceptional or Non-Productive stage.
#Relationshipsn_relationshipsIntegerYESThe #Relationships counts the total number of upstream and downstream direct relationships.
#Relationships to Business Applicationrel_bus_appIntegerYESThe number of relationships with Business Applications.
#Relationships to Business Capabilitiesrel_bus_capIntegerYESThe number of relationships with Business Capabilities.
#Relationships to Processesrel_to_processesIntegerYESThe number of relationships with Business Processes.
#Usersn_usersIntegerYESThe #Users copies the latest number of actual users defined as a KPI.
AliasaliasStringAlternative names. Local characters are allowed.
Attach verify data notification workflowattach_verify_workflowTrue/FalseNot used.Inherited from cmdb_ci base class
Business Criticalitybusiness_criticalityIntegerCriticality level of the business impact an outage will have on the enterprise. Typically the impact is measured in financial loss.
Business Ownerbusiness_ownerReference: UserAccountable legal person.
Business Value Scorebusiness_value_scoreIntegerYESThe Business Value Score calculates the Business Value based on the contribution to Business Capabilities and Business Processes while considering their Business Criticality.
Capability Scorecapability_scoreIntegerYESSum of Business Criticalities for all provided Business Capabilities.
CAPEX Baselinecapex_baselineCurrencyYESTotal Baseline Capital Expenditures
CAPEX Currentcapex_currentCurrencyYESCurrent Capital Expenditures, considering only the current year's costs.
CAPEX Plannedcapex_plannedCurrencyYESTotal Planned Capital Expenditures for all years.
CAPEX Totalcapex_totalCurrencyYESTotal Actual Capital Expenditures for all years.
Classsys_class_nameSystem Class NameClass of the Metamodel Type. Inherited from cmdb_ci base class
Compliance Risk Scorecompliance_risk_scoreIntegerYESThe Compliance Risk Score counts the number of Non-Compliant and Non-Conformant Relationships.
CostcostFloating Point NumberNot used.Inherited from cmdb_ci base class
Data Completenessdata_completenessPercent CompleteYESThe calculated field represents the average data completeness of all fields.
Data Currentnessdata_currentnessPercent CompleteYESThe calculated field represents the average data currentness of all fields.
Data Verifieddata_verifiedTrue/FalseYESThe field is true if the data is verified.
Days in Proddays_in_prodIntegerYESCounts the days from entering the Lifecycle Stage 'Productive' for the Internal Lifecycle until the current date, which hasn't reached the 'Non-Productive' Lifecycle Stage.
Days to Benefitdays_to_benefitIntegerYESThe Days to Benefit calculates the remaining days before the expected benefits (Due) needs to be achieved.
Days to EOLdays_to_eolIntegerYESDays to EOL counts the days remaining to enter the ‘Non-Productive’ Lifecycle Stage.
DevelopmentdevelopmentReference: DepartmentShows where the development has taken place.
Domainsys_domainDomain IDUsed when Domain separation plugin activated. Inherited from cmdb_ci base class
Enterprise Architectenterprise_architectReference: UserAssigned Enterprise Architect responsible for this element.
Expected Benefitexpected_benefitCurrencyThe monetary expected Return of Investment (ROI).
External IDexternal_idStringUnique ID of an external source used as a reference.
Fields Updatedu_fields_updatedStringYESStores all the updated fields which are under Data Verification.
Full Pathfull_pathStringThe full hierarchy path results through the Parent reference level.
Functional Redundancy Scorefunctional_redundancy_scoreIntegerYESThe Functional Redundancy Score identifies the number of all Portfolio Elements related to the same Reference Model.
GDPR Relevantgdpr_relevantTrue/FalseGeneral Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) Relevant.
ImplicationimplicationStringDescription of the potential positive and negative implications if the current Portfolio Element is unavailable.
ImportanceimportanceIntegerLevel of importance from a functional or technical viewpoint, which typically is not directly related to business criticality.
InstructionsinstructionsStringOptional field to capture instructions about the element.
Internal IDinternal_idStringA unique ID is defined internally to be used as a reference.
Internal Lifecycleinternal_lifecycleStringYESLifecycle type is defined for the internal usage of Portfolio Elements.
IT Ownerit_ownerReference: UserThe accountable person from an IT perspective.
JournaljournalJournalChronological comment field including user name and time stamp.
LEVELlevelIntegerYESShows the current level within the parent/child (reference) hierarchy.
Maintenance schedulemaintenance_scheduleReference: ScheduleNot used.Inherited from cmdb_ci base class
Managed bymanaged_byReference: UserNot used.Inherited from cmdb_ci base class
ManufacturermanufacturerReference: CompanyManufacturer of the Element.
Manufacturer Lifecyclemanufacturer_lifecycleStringYESLifecycle type is defined externally by the manufacturer of a product
MaturitymaturityIntegerThe maturity of the Element.
MonitormonitorTrue/FalseNot used.Inherited from cmdb_ci base class
NamenameStringUnique name.
NumbernumberStringUnique ID generated by the system.
OPEX Baselineopex_baselineCurrencyYESTotal Baseline Operational Expenditures
OPEX Currentopex_currentCurrencyYESCurrent Operational Expenditures, considering only the current year's costs.
OPEX per Useropex_per_userCurrencyYESOPEX per User shows the single user cost of the Portfolio Element based on the current year's cost.
OPEX Plannedopex_plannedCurrencyYESTotal Planned Operational Expenditures for all years.
OPEX Totalopex_totalCurrencyYESTotal Actual Operational Expenditures for all years.
ParentparentReference:[to table itself]Superior (higher level) Portfolio Element. Typically used to create a hierarchy.
Process Scoreprocess_scoreIntegerYESSum of Business Criticalities for all provided Business Processes. The Business Process needs to be the Parent in the relationship.
Progress %progressPercent CompleteLevel of progression of the underlying tasks and work.
RationalerationaleStringThe rationale and motivation to introduce or keep the Portfolio Element.
Rationalization Scorerationalization_scoreIntegerYESThe Rationalization Score considers multiple parameters to calculate the Rationalization Score. The higher the value, the higher ranked is the Rationalization Candidate.
RecommendationrecommendationIntegerYESDefines what needs to happen to mitigate risk, reduce cost and improve efficiency.
Reference Modelreference_modelReference: Reference ModelRecommendation to use Technical Capabilities instead!
A reference model is an abstract framework or domain-specific ontology consisting of an interlinked set of clearly defined concepts.
Requires verificationunverifiedIntegerYESInherited from cmdb_ci base class
SchedulescheduleReference:ScheduleNot used.Inherited from cmdb_ci base class
Security Classificationsecurity_classificationIntegerDescribes the confidentiality level.
Serial numberserial_numberStringNot used.Inherited from cmdb_ci base class
Skip syncskip_syncTrue/FalseNot used.Inherited from cmdb_ci base class
SponsorsponsorReference: UserThe Budget Owner.
Stakeholder Ratingstakeholder_ratingIntegerYESThe Stakeholder Rating represents the average rating of all stakeholders.
Standards Lifecyclestandards_lifecycleStringYESLifecycle type defined for Standards.
Start datestart_dateDate/TimeNot used.Inherited from cmdb_ci base class
Statusinstall_statusIntegerNot used.Inherited from cmdb_ci base class
StewardstewardReference: UserResponsible for maintaining and ensuring high-quality data of the current Portfolio Element.
SubcategorysubcategoryStringNot used.Inherited from cmdb_ci base class
Support groupsupport_groupReference: GroupNot used.Inherited from cmdb_ci base class
Supported bysupported_byReference: UserInherited from cmdb_ci base class
URLurlURLHyperlink to an internal or external website or document management system.
VendorvendorReference: CustomerInherited from cmdb_ci base class
VersionversionStringThe version number of the Portfolio Element
Warranty expirationwarranty_expirationDateNot used.Inherited from cmdb_ci base class