Portfolio Element is the super-class containing all sub-classes e. g. Value Stream in UPM-X. This document shows the fields on the Portfolio Element table.
Property | Label | Type | Calculated | Description |
#Incidents | n_incidents | Integer | YES | The aggregation of all incidents related to the Portfolio Elements within the last 12 months. |
#Outdated Software | n_outdated_software | Integer | YES | The #Outdated Software shows the number of Software Products that reached the Expiration, Exceptional or Non-Productive stage. |
#Relationships | n_relationships | Integer | YES | The #Relationships counts the total number of upstream and downstream direct relationships. |
#Relationships to Business Application | rel_bus_app | Integer | YES | The number of relationships with Business Applications. |
#Relationships to Business Capabilities | rel_bus_cap | Integer | YES | The number of relationships with Business Capabilities. |
#Relationships to Processes | rel_to_processes | Integer | YES | The number of relationships with Business Processes. |
#Users | n_users | Integer | YES | The #Users copies the latest number of actual users defined as a KPI. |
Alias | alias | String | Alternative names. Local characters are allowed. | |
Attach verify data notification workflow | attach_verify_workflow | True/False | Not used.Inherited from cmdb_ci base class | |
Business Criticality | business_criticality | Integer | Criticality level of the business impact an outage will have on the enterprise. Typically the impact is measured in financial loss. | |
Business Owner | business_owner | Reference: User | Accountable legal person. | |
Business Value Score | business_value_score | Integer | YES | The Business Value Score calculates the Business Value based on the contribution to Business Capabilities and Business Processes while considering their Business Criticality. |
Capability Score | capability_score | Integer | YES | Sum of Business Criticalities for all provided Business Capabilities. |
CAPEX Baseline | capex_baseline | Currency | YES | Total Baseline Capital Expenditures |
CAPEX Current | capex_current | Currency | YES | Current Capital Expenditures, considering only the current year's costs. |
CAPEX Planned | capex_planned | Currency | YES | Total Planned Capital Expenditures for all years. |
CAPEX Total | capex_total | Currency | YES | Total Actual Capital Expenditures for all years. |
Class | sys_class_name | System Class Name | Class of the Metamodel Type. Inherited from cmdb_ci base class | |
Compliance Risk Score | compliance_risk_score | Integer | YES | The Compliance Risk Score counts the number of Non-Compliant and Non-Conformant Relationships. |
Cost | cost | Floating Point Number | Not used.Inherited from cmdb_ci base class | |
Data Completeness | data_completeness | Percent Complete | YES | The calculated field represents the average data completeness of all fields. |
Data Currentness | data_currentness | Percent Complete | YES | The calculated field represents the average data currentness of all fields. |
Data Verified | data_verified | True/False | YES | The field is true if the data is verified. |
Days in Prod | days_in_prod | Integer | YES | Counts the days from entering the Lifecycle Stage 'Productive' for the Internal Lifecycle until the current date, which hasn't reached the 'Non-Productive' Lifecycle Stage. |
Days to Benefit | days_to_benefit | Integer | YES | The Days to Benefit calculates the remaining days before the expected benefits (Due) needs to be achieved. |
Days to EOL | days_to_eol | Integer | YES | Days to EOL counts the days remaining to enter the ‘Non-Productive’ Lifecycle Stage. |
Development | development | Reference: Department | Shows where the development has taken place. | |
Domain | sys_domain | Domain ID | Used when Domain separation plugin activated. Inherited from cmdb_ci base class | |
Enterprise Architect | enterprise_architect | Reference: User | Assigned Enterprise Architect responsible for this element. | |
Expected Benefit | expected_benefit | Currency | The monetary expected Return of Investment (ROI). | |
External ID | external_id | String | Unique ID of an external source used as a reference. | |
Fields Updated | u_fields_updated | String | YES | Stores all the updated fields which are under Data Verification. |
Full Path | full_path | String | The full hierarchy path results through the Parent reference level. | |
Functional Redundancy Score | functional_redundancy_score | Integer | YES | The Functional Redundancy Score identifies the number of all Portfolio Elements related to the same Reference Model. |
GDPR Relevant | gdpr_relevant | True/False | General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) Relevant. | |
Implication | implication | String | Description of the potential positive and negative implications if the current Portfolio Element is unavailable. | |
Importance | importance | Integer | Level of importance from a functional or technical viewpoint, which typically is not directly related to business criticality. | |
Instructions | instructions | String | Optional field to capture instructions about the element. | |
Internal ID | internal_id | String | A unique ID is defined internally to be used as a reference. | |
Internal Lifecycle | internal_lifecycle | String | YES | Lifecycle type is defined for the internal usage of Portfolio Elements. |
IT Owner | it_owner | Reference: User | The accountable person from an IT perspective. | |
Journal | journal | Journal | Chronological comment field including user name and time stamp. | |
LEVEL | level | Integer | YES | Shows the current level within the parent/child (reference) hierarchy. |
Maintenance schedule | maintenance_schedule | Reference: Schedule | Not used.Inherited from cmdb_ci base class | |
Managed by | managed_by | Reference: User | Not used.Inherited from cmdb_ci base class | |
Manufacturer | manufacturer | Reference: Company | Manufacturer of the Element. | |
Manufacturer Lifecycle | manufacturer_lifecycle | String | YES | Lifecycle type is defined externally by the manufacturer of a product |
Maturity | maturity | Integer | The maturity of the Element. | |
Monitor | monitor | True/False | Not used.Inherited from cmdb_ci base class | |
Name | name | String | Unique name. | |
Number | number | String | Unique ID generated by the system. | |
OPEX Baseline | opex_baseline | Currency | YES | Total Baseline Operational Expenditures |
OPEX Current | opex_current | Currency | YES | Current Operational Expenditures, considering only the current year's costs. |
OPEX per User | opex_per_user | Currency | YES | OPEX per User shows the single user cost of the Portfolio Element based on the current year's cost. |
OPEX Planned | opex_planned | Currency | YES | Total Planned Operational Expenditures for all years. |
OPEX Total | opex_total | Currency | YES | Total Actual Operational Expenditures for all years. |
Parent | parent | Reference:[to table itself] | Superior (higher level) Portfolio Element. Typically used to create a hierarchy. | |
Process Score | process_score | Integer | YES | Sum of Business Criticalities for all provided Business Processes. The Business Process needs to be the Parent in the relationship. |
Progress % | progress | Percent Complete | Level of progression of the underlying tasks and work. | |
Rationale | rationale | String | The rationale and motivation to introduce or keep the Portfolio Element. | |
Rationalization Score | rationalization_score | Integer | YES | The Rationalization Score considers multiple parameters to calculate the Rationalization Score. The higher the value, the higher ranked is the Rationalization Candidate. |
Recommendation | recommendation | Integer | YES | Defines what needs to happen to mitigate risk, reduce cost and improve efficiency. |
Reference Model | reference_model | Reference: Reference Model | Recommendation to use Technical Capabilities instead! | |
Requires verification | unverified | Integer | YES | Inherited from cmdb_ci base class |
Schedule | schedule | Reference:Schedule | Not used.Inherited from cmdb_ci base class | |
Security Classification | security_classification | Integer | Describes the confidentiality level. | |
Serial number | serial_number | String | Not used.Inherited from cmdb_ci base class | |
Skip sync | skip_sync | True/False | Not used.Inherited from cmdb_ci base class | |
Sponsor | sponsor | Reference: User | The Budget Owner. | |
Stakeholder Rating | stakeholder_rating | Integer | YES | The Stakeholder Rating represents the average rating of all stakeholders. |
Standards Lifecycle | standards_lifecycle | String | YES | Lifecycle type defined for Standards. |
Start date | start_date | Date/Time | Not used.Inherited from cmdb_ci base class | |
Status | install_status | Integer | Not used.Inherited from cmdb_ci base class | |
Steward | steward | Reference: User | Responsible for maintaining and ensuring high-quality data of the current Portfolio Element. | |
Subcategory | subcategory | String | Not used.Inherited from cmdb_ci base class | |
Support group | support_group | Reference: Group | Not used.Inherited from cmdb_ci base class | |
Supported by | supported_by | Reference: User | Inherited from cmdb_ci base class | |
URL | url | URL | Hyperlink to an internal or external website or document management system. | |
Vendor | vendor | Reference: Customer | Inherited from cmdb_ci base class | |
Version | version | String | The version number of the Portfolio Element | |
Warranty expiration | warranty_expiration | Date | Not used.Inherited from cmdb_ci base class |
Updated 14 days ago