Global Settings

Overview of how to adjust Global Settings in UPMX.


Authorization rights

The following settings can only be adjusted by UPMX admis

Navigate to Global Settings

  1. Open the ServiceNow application navigator.
  2. Search for, and select, Global settings. This opens the table: x_inpgh_upmx_global_settings.
  3. From the table, select a record to adjust its settings.

How to create and update Global Settings

This table contains the names of the Global Settings you can adjust, a description of the setting, as well as the type and values required to make adjustments.


Adjustments to UMP-X Global Settings are only valid if edits match the exact names and types noted in the table below. You should configure the values as explained in the Description.

dq.fields.allowed.verificationUse comma-separated fields to enable the DQ Widget to carry out verificationsstringsteward, x_inpgh_upmx_steward
instance.URLUse the instance URL. for on-prem or GCC ServiceNow instances. Leave this blank to use the default
is.rp.allowing_suggestionsDefine the setting view on the Relationship Picker to block or allow groups.booleanfalse
is.rp.blocking_duplicateAdd a definition to permit duplicate relationships in the Relationship Pickerbooleanfalse
is_rp_allowing_suggestionsDefine the setting view on the Relationship Picker to block or allow groups.booleanfalse
is_rp_blocking_duplicateAdd a definition to permit duplicate relationships in the Relationship Pickerbooleanfalse
lifecycle.MaxYearLimitLifecycle dates must be less than _ years from now.integer0 non-CMDB CI table names must be included in the data governance portalStringx_inpgh_upmx_usage non-UPMX table names are used in relationships calculationStringcmdb_ci_business_app, cmdb_ci_business_capability, cmdb_ci_information_object
number.Editor.LicensesThe Number of Editor Licenses. This value is used in calculating the number of licenses remainingString32
number.Reader.LicensesThe Number of Reader Licenses. This value is used in calculating the number of licenses remainingString43
tables.with.parent.child.relationshipComma-separated tables in which parent-child relationships are permitted in UPMX custom reportsStringcmdb_ci_business_capability, cmdb_ci_information_object format for the UPMX Visualizations e.g: yyyy,MM,ddStringyyyy,MM,dd
re.repository.browser.filterSemicolon separated table string and encoded query pair for relationship editorStringcmdb_ci_business_app=nameANYTHING;cmdb_ci_business_capability=nameANYTHING;