🔋Added Relationships
All relationship types and suggested relationships added by UPM-X to the CMDB/CSDM.
Relationship Types
Several new relationship types have been incorporated into the CSDM, including the following:
Parent descriptor | Child descriptor |
Achieves | Achieved by |
Completes | Completed by |
Compliant | Compliant with |
Conformant | Conformant with |
consists of | is part of |
contributes | contributed by |
Creates | Created by |
Decommissions | Decommissioned by |
defines | defined by |
Deletes | Deleted by |
delivered by | delivers |
Deploys | Deployed by |
desires | desired by |
distributes | distributed by |
Enables | Enabled by |
fulfills | fulfilled by |
Fully Conformant | Fully Conformant with |
generates | generated by |
Governs | Governed by |
has attribute | is attribute of |
has Instance | is Instance of |
has interest | has relevance |
has source-of-record | is source-of-record |
has successor | has predecessor |
has target | is target |
impacts | impacted by |
Implements | Implemented by |
influences | is influenced by |
Integrates | Integrated by |
Introduces | Introduced by |
is executed by | executes |
is implemented by | implements |
is part of | consists of |
is stored in | stores |
leads to | led from |
measures | measured by |
Migrates | Migrated by |
Non-Compliant | Non-Compliant with |
Non-Conformant | Non-Conformant with |
participates in | has participant |
Performs | Performed by |
produces | produced by |
Reads | Read by |
Removes | Removed by |
requires | required by |
segments | segmented by |
Sends Data to | Receives Data from |
served by | is serving |
Source-of-Record for | has Source-of-Record |
Stores | Stored by |
Supports | is Supported by |
Transports | Transported by |
triggers | triggered by |
Updates | Updated by |
Suggested Relationships
Through UPM-X, the CSDM has been enhanced with the addition of the following suggested relationships:
Not required suggested relationships can be removed by the ServiceNow admin!
Base class (Upstream) | Relationship | Dependent class (Downstream) |
Actor | has interest (parent) | Business Application |
Actor | has interest (parent) | Business Capability |
Actor | Performs (parent) | Business Function |
Actor | has interest (parent) | Business Process |
Actor | has interest (parent) | Business Product |
Actor | has interest (parent) | Channel |
Actor | has interest (parent) | Component |
Actor | has interest (parent) | Data Store |
Actor | has interest (parent) | Domain |
Actor | has interest (parent) | Driver |
Actor | has interest (parent) | Goal |
Actor | has interest (parent) | Hardware Product |
Actor | has interest (parent) | Information Object |
Actor | has interest (parent) | Initiative |
Actor | has interest (parent) | Journey |
Actor | has interest (parent) | Logical Interface |
Actor | has interest (parent) | Mapped Application Service |
Actor | has interest (parent) | Market |
Actor | has interest (parent) | Microservice |
Actor | has interest (parent) | Mission |
Actor | has interest (parent) | Mobile Application |
Actor | has interest (parent) | Objective |
Actor | has interest (parent) | Pattern |
Actor | has interest (parent) | Physical Interface |
Actor | has interest (parent) | Process |
Actor | has interest (parent) | Process Activity |
Actor | has interest (parent) | Process Category |
Actor | has interest (parent) | Process Group |
Actor | has interest (parent) | Process Operations |
Actor | has interest (parent) | Process Task |
Actor | has interest (parent) | Process Workflow |
Actor | has interest (parent) | Program |
Actor | has interest (parent) | Project |
Actor | impacted by (child) | Risk |
Actor | has interest (parent) | Server |
Actor | has interest (parent) | Service |
Actor | has interest (parent) | Social Media |
Actor | has interest (parent) | Software Product |
Actor | has interest (parent) | Solution Use Case |
Actor | has interest (parent) | Strategy |
Actor | has interest (parent) | Technical Capability |
Actor | has interest (parent) | Value Chain |
Actor | has interest (parent) | Value Stream |
Actor | has interest (parent) | Vision |
Actor | has interest (parent) | Website |
Building Block | consists of (parent) | Business Application |
Building Block | consists of (parent) | Business Capability |
Building Block | consists of (parent) | Business Product |
Building Block | consists of (parent) | Information Object |
Building Block | consists of (parent) | Initiative |
Building Block | consists of (parent) | Journey |
Building Block | consists of (parent) | Pattern |
Building Block | consists of (parent) | Principle |
Building Block | consists of (parent) | Process |
Building Block | impacted by (child) | Risk |
Building Block | consists of (parent) | Service |
Building Block | consists of (parent) | Strategy |
Building Block | consists of (parent) | Value Stream |
Business Application | has relevance (child) | Actor |
Business Application | is part of (child) | Building Block |
Business Application | Exchanges data with (parent) | Business Application |
Business Application | has target (parent) | Business Application |
Business Application | is target (child) | Business Application |
Business Application | Used by (child) | Business Function |
Business Application | Uses (parent) | Component |
Business Application | impacted by (child) | Control |
Business Application | Uses (parent) | Domain |
Business Application | Uses (parent) | Hardware Product |
Business Application | Creates (parent) | Information Object |
Business Application | Deletes (parent) | Information Object |
Business Application | Reads (parent) | Information Object |
Business Application | Updates (parent) | Information Object |
Business Application | requires (parent) | Logical Data Object |
Business Application | Updates (parent) | Logical Data Object |
Business Application | Provides (parent) | Logical Interface |
Business Application | Receives Data from (child) | Logical Interface |
Business Application | Sends Data to (parent) | Logical Interface |
Business Application | has Instance (parent) | Mapped Application Service |
Business Application | Uses (parent) | Microservice |
Business Application | Uses (parent) | Mobile Application |
Business Application | Uses (parent) | Organizational Unit |
Business Application | Deploys (parent) | Pattern |
Business Application | is part of (child) | Pattern |
Business Application | Compliant (parent) | Principle |
Business Application | Conformant (parent) | Principle |
Business Application | Fully Conformant (parent) | Principle |
Business Application | Non-Compliant (parent) | Principle |
Business Application | Non-Conformant (parent) | Principle |
Business Application | Created by (child) | Project |
Business Application | Deleted by (child) | Project |
Business Application | Introduced by (child) | Project |
Business Application | Migrated by (child) | Project |
Business Application | Removed by (child) | Project |
Business Application | Updated by (child) | Project |
Business Application | impacted by (child) | Risk |
Business Application | Uses (parent) | Social Media |
Business Application | Uses (parent) | Software Product |
Business Application | Enabled by (child) | Technical Capability |
Business Application | required by (child) | Value Stream Stage |
Business Application | Uses (parent) | Website |
Business Capability | has relevance (child) | Actor |
Business Capability | is part of (child) | Building Block |
Business Capability | Provided By (parent) | Business Application |
Business Capability | Conformant (parent) | Business Capability |
Business Capability | Conformant with (child) | Business Capability |
Business Capability | Fully Conformant (parent) | Business Capability |
Business Capability | Fully Conformant with (child) | Business Capability |
Business Capability | Non-Compliant (parent) | Business Capability |
Business Capability | Non-Compliant with (child) | Business Capability |
Business Capability | Non-Conformant (parent) | Business Capability |
Business Capability | Non-Conformant with (child) | Business Capability |
Business Capability | impacted by (child) | Business Event |
Business Capability | delivered by (parent) | Business Function |
Business Capability | delivered by (parent) | Business Product |
Business Capability | impacted by (child) | Control |
Business Capability | Creates (parent) | Information Object |
Business Capability | Reads (parent) | Information Object |
Business Capability | Updates (parent) | Information Object |
Business Capability | Uses (parent) | Information Object |
Business Capability | impacted by (child) | Initiative |
Business Capability | Provided By (parent) | Logical Application |
Business Capability | is target (child) | Objective |
Business Capability | delivered by (parent) | Organizational Unit |
Business Capability | Used by (child) | Organizational Unit |
Business Capability | Achieves (parent) | Outcome |
Business Capability | requires (parent) | Outcome |
Business Capability | is influenced by (child) | Policy |
Business Capability | Compliant (parent) | Principle |
Business Capability | Conformant (parent) | Principle |
Business Capability | Fully Conformant (parent) | Principle |
Business Capability | Non-Compliant (parent) | Principle |
Business Capability | Non-Conformant (parent) | Principle |
Business Capability | is executed by (parent) | Process |
Business Capability | is executed by (parent) | Process Activity |
Business Capability | Created by (child) | Project |
Business Capability | Introduced by (child) | Project |
Business Capability | Removed by (child) | Project |
Business Capability | Updated by (child) | Project |
Business Capability | impacted by (child) | Risk |
Business Capability | Provided by (child) | Service |
Business Capability | Uses (parent) | Service |
Business Capability | is influenced by (child) | Strategy |
Business Capability | requires (parent) | Technical Capability |
Business Capability | delivers (child) | Value Chain |
Business Capability | Enables (parent) | Value Stream Stage |
Business Event | impacts (parent) | Business Capability |
Business Event | impacts (parent) | Portfolio Element |
Business Function | Performed by (child) | Actor |
Business Function | Uses (parent) | Business Application |
Business Function | delivers (child) | Business Capability |
Business Function | Performed by (child) | Organizational Unit |
Business Process | has relevance (child) | Actor |
Business Process | impacted by (child) | Control |
Business Process | Created by (child) | Project |
Business Process | Introduced by (child) | Project |
Business Process | Removed by (child) | Project |
Business Process | Updated by (child) | Project |
Business Process | impacted by (child) | Risk |
Business Product | has relevance (child) | Actor |
Business Product | is part of (child) | Building Block |
Business Product | delivers (child) | Business Capability |
Business Product | distributed by (child) | Channel |
Business Product | impacted by (child) | Control |
Business Product | impacted by (child) | Initiative |
Business Product | has target (parent) | Market |
Business Product | delivered by (parent) | Organizational Unit |
Business Product | Owned by (child) | Organizational Unit |
Business Product | Used by (child) | Organizational Unit |
Business Product | Compliant (parent) | Principle |
Business Product | Conformant (parent) | Principle |
Business Product | Fully Conformant (parent) | Principle |
Business Product | Non-Compliant (parent) | Principle |
Business Product | Non-Conformant (parent) | Principle |
Business Product | delivers (child) | Process |
Business Product | Contained by (child) | Product Line |
Business Product | Created by (child) | Project |
Business Product | Introduced by (child) | Project |
Business Product | Removed by (child) | Project |
Business Product | Updated by (child) | Project |
Business Product | impacted by (child) | Risk |
Business Product | impacted by (child) | Strategy |
Business Product | delivers (child) | Value Proposition |
Business Requirement | is part of (child) | Initiative |
Business Requirement | fulfills (parent) | Objective |
Business Requirement | has target (parent) | Stakeholder |
Business Requirement | defined by (child) | Value Stream Stage |
Channel | has relevance (child) | Actor |
Channel | distributes (parent) | Business Product |
Channel | is serving (child) | Market |
Channel | impacted by (child) | Risk |
Component | has relevance (child) | Actor |
Component | is part of (child) | Hardware Product |
Component | is part of (child) | Pattern |
Component | is part of (child) | Software Product |
Component | is part of (child) | Solution Use Case |
Control | impacts (parent) | Business Application |
Control | impacts (parent) | Business Capability |
Control | impacts (parent) | Business Process |
Control | impacts (parent) | Business Product |
Control | impacts (parent) | Journey |
Control | impacts (parent) | Process |
Control | impacts (parent) | Process Activity |
Control | impacts (parent) | Process Category |
Control | impacts (parent) | Process Group |
Control | impacts (parent) | Process Operations |
Control | impacts (parent) | Process Task |
Control | impacts (parent) | Process Workflow |
Control | impacts (parent) | Solution Use Case |
Control | impacts (parent) | Value Chain |
Control | impacts (parent) | Value Stream |
Data Center | Created by (child) | Data Center |
Data Center | Creates (parent) | Data Center |
Data Store | has relevance (child) | Actor |
Data Store | has Instance (parent) | Database |
Data Store | has Instance (parent) | Database Instance |
Data Store | is source-of-record (child) | Information Object |
Data Store | stores (child) | Information Object |
Data Store | Created by (child) | Project |
Data Store | Introduced by (child) | Project |
Data Store | Removed by (child) | Project |
Data Store | Updated by (child) | Project |
Data Store | impacted by (child) | Risk |
Database | is Instance of (child) | Data Store |
Database | Created by (child) | Project |
Database | Introduced by (child) | Project |
Database | Migrated by (child) | Project |
Database | Updated by (child) | Project |
Database Instance | is Instance of (child) | Data Store |
Domain | has relevance (child) | Actor |
Domain | is part of (child) | Pattern |
Domain | Created by (child) | Project |
Domain | Introduced by (child) | Project |
Domain | Migrated by (child) | Project |
Domain | Removed by (child) | Project |
Domain | Updated by (child) | Project |
Domain | impacted by (child) | Risk |
Domain | is part of (child) | Solution Use Case |
Driver | has relevance (child) | Actor |
Driver | influences (parent) | Goal |
Driver | generated by (child) | Market |
Driver | impacted by (child) | Risk |
Goal | has relevance (child) | Actor |
Goal | is influenced by (child) | Driver |
Goal | leads to (parent) | Goal |
Goal | led from (child) | Goal |
Goal | led from (child) | Mission |
Goal | leads to (parent) | Objective |
Goal | impacted by (child) | Risk |
Goal | leads to (parent) | Strategy |
Hardware Product | has relevance (child) | Actor |
Hardware Product | consists of (parent) | Component |
Hardware Product | has Instance (parent) | Hardware |
Hardware Product | is target (child) | Hardware Product |
Hardware Product | Used by (child) | Organizational Unit |
Hardware Product | is part of (child) | Pattern |
Hardware Product | Compliant (parent) | Principle |
Hardware Product | Conformant (parent) | Principle |
Hardware Product | Fully Conformant (parent) | Principle |
Hardware Product | Non-Compliant (parent) | Principle |
Hardware Product | Non-Conformant (parent) | Principle |
Hardware Product | Introduced by (child) | Project |
Hardware Product | Migrated by (child) | Project |
Hardware Product | Removed by (child) | Project |
Hardware Product | Updated by (child) | Project |
Hardware Product | impacted by (child) | Risk |
Hardware Product | Deployed by (child) | Server |
Hardware Product | has Instance (parent) | Server |
Hardware Product | is part of (child) | Solution Use Case |
Hardware Product | Provides (child) | Technical Capability |
Information Object | has relevance (child) | Actor |
Information Object | is part of (child) | Building Block |
Information Object | Created by (child) | Business Application |
Information Object | Deleted by (child) | Business Application |
Information Object | Read by (child) | Business Application |
Information Object | Updated by (child) | Business Application |
Information Object | Created by (child) | Business Capability |
Information Object | Read by (child) | Business Capability |
Information Object | Updated by (child) | Business Capability |
Information Object | has source-of-record (parent) | Data Store |
Information Object | is stored in (parent) | Data Store |
Information Object | has Instance (parent) | Logical Data Object |
Information Object | Transported by (child) | Logical Interface |
Information Object | Created by (child) | Mapped Application Service |
Information Object | Deleted by (child) | Mapped Application Service |
Information Object | Read by (child) | Mapped Application Service |
Information Object | Updated by (child) | Mapped Application Service |
Information Object | Transported by (child) | Physical Interface |
Information Object | Created by (child) | Process |
Information Object | Deleted by (child) | Process |
Information Object | Read by (child) | Process |
Information Object | Updated by (child) | Process |
Information Object | Used by (child) | Process |
Information Object | Created by (child) | Process Activity |
Information Object | Deleted by (child) | Process Activity |
Information Object | Read by (child) | Process Activity |
Information Object | Updated by (child) | Process Activity |
Information Object | Created by (child) | Process Operations |
Information Object | Deleted by (child) | Process Operations |
Information Object | Read by (child) | Process Operations |
Information Object | Updated by (child) | Process Operations |
Information Object | Created by (child) | Project |
Information Object | Introduced by (child) | Project |
Information Object | Removed by (child) | Project |
Information Object | Updated by (child) | Project |
Information Object | defined by (child) | Stakeholder |
Initiative | has relevance (child) | Actor |
Initiative | is part of (child) | Building Block |
Initiative | impacts (parent) | Business Capability |
Initiative | impacts (parent) | Business Product |
Initiative | consists of (parent) | Business Requirement |
Initiative | led from (child) | Objective |
Initiative | Owned by (child) | Organizational Unit |
Initiative | Performed by (child) | Organizational Unit |
Initiative | consists of (parent) | Outcome |
Initiative | is implemented by (parent) | Project |
Initiative | impacted by (child) | Risk |
Initiative | implements (child) | Strategy |
Initiative | impacts (parent) | Value Stream |
Initiative | impacts (parent) | Value Stream Stage |
Journey | has relevance (child) | Actor |
Journey | is part of (child) | Building Block |
Journey | impacted by (child) | Control |
Journey | has predecessor (child) | Journey |
Journey | has successor (parent) | Journey |
Journey | Created by (child) | Project |
Journey | Introduced by (child) | Project |
Journey | Migrated by (child) | Project |
Journey | Removed by (child) | Project |
Journey | Updated by (child) | Project |
Journey | impacted by (child) | Risk |
Journey | consists of (parent) | Stakeholder |
Journey | is influenced by (child) | Strategy |
Journey | Implemented by (child) | Value Stream |
Journey Stage | consists of (parent) | Touchpoint |
Journey Stage | Enabled by (child) | Value Stream Stage |
KPI | consists of (parent) | Metric |
KPI | required by (child) | Value Stream |
KRI | consists of (parent) | Metric |
KRI | required by (child) | Value Stream |
Logical Application | Uses (parent) | Business Application |
Logical Application | Sends Data to (parent) | Logical Interface |
Logical Application | Compliant (parent) | Principle |
Logical Application | Conformant (parent) | Principle |
Logical Application | Fully Conformant (parent) | Principle |
Logical Application | Non-Compliant (parent) | Principle |
Logical Application | Non-Conformant (parent) | Principle |
Logical Data Object | required by (child) | Business Application |
Logical Data Object | Updated by (child) | Business Application |
Logical Data Object | is Instance of (child) | Information Object |
Logical Data Object | Created by (child) | Mapped Application Service |
Logical Data Object | Read by (child) | Mapped Application Service |
Logical Data Object | required by (child) | Mapped Application Service |
Logical Data Object | Updated by (child) | Mapped Application Service |
Logical Interface | has relevance (child) | Actor |
Logical Interface | Receives Data from (child) | Business Application |
Logical Interface | Sends Data to (parent) | Business Application |
Logical Interface | Transports (parent) | Information Object |
Logical Interface | Receives Data from (child) | Logical Application |
Logical Interface | has Instance (parent) | Physical Interface |
Logical Interface | Created by (child) | Project |
Logical Interface | Introduced by (child) | Project |
Logical Interface | Removed by (child) | Project |
Logical Interface | Updated by (child) | Project |
Logical Interface | impacted by (child) | Risk |
Logical Interface | Uses (parent) | Software Product |
Mapped Application Service | has relevance (child) | Actor |
Mapped Application Service | is Instance of (child) | Business Application |
Mapped Application Service | Depends on (parent) | Database |
Mapped Application Service | Creates (parent) | Information Object |
Mapped Application Service | Deletes (parent) | Information Object |
Mapped Application Service | Reads (parent) | Information Object |
Mapped Application Service | Updates (parent) | Information Object |
Mapped Application Service | Creates (parent) | Logical Data Object |
Mapped Application Service | Reads (parent) | Logical Data Object |
Mapped Application Service | requires (parent) | Logical Data Object |
Mapped Application Service | Updates (parent) | Logical Data Object |
Mapped Application Service | Receives Data from (child) | Physical Interface |
Mapped Application Service | Sends Data to (parent) | Physical Interface |
Mapped Application Service | Created by (child) | Project |
Mapped Application Service | Introduced by (child) | Project |
Mapped Application Service | Migrated by (child) | Project |
Mapped Application Service | Removed by (child) | Project |
Mapped Application Service | Updated by (child) | Project |
Mapped Application Service | impacted by (child) | Risk |
Market | has relevance (child) | Actor |
Market | is target (child) | Business Product |
Market | served by (parent) | Channel |
Market | generates (parent) | Driver |
Market | segmented by (child) | Market |
Market | segments (parent) | Market |
Market | impacted by (child) | Risk |
Measure | is part of (child) | Metric |
Measure | measures (parent) | Process Operations |
Measure | measures (parent) | Process Task |
Metric | is part of (child) | KPI |
Metric | is part of (child) | KRI |
Metric | consists of (parent) | Measure |
Metric | consists of (parent) | Metric |
Metric | is part of (child) | Metric |
Metric | measures (parent) | Objective |
Metric | is part of (child) | PPI |
Metric | measures (parent) | Process Task |
Metric | measures (parent) | Risk |
Microservice | has relevance (child) | Actor |
Microservice | Receives Data from (child) | Microservice |
Microservice | Sends Data to (parent) | Microservice |
Microservice | is part of (child) | Pattern |
Microservice | Created by (child) | Project |
Microservice | Introduced by (child) | Project |
Microservice | Migrated by (child) | Project |
Microservice | Removed by (child) | Project |
Microservice | Updated by (child) | Project |
Microservice | impacted by (child) | Risk |
Microservice | Uses (parent) | Software Product |
Microservice | is part of (child) | Solution Use Case |
Mission | has relevance (child) | Actor |
Mission | leads to (parent) | Goal |
Mission | led from (child) | Vision |
Mobile Application | has relevance (child) | Actor |
Mobile Application | is part of (child) | Pattern |
Mobile Application | Created by (child) | Project |
Mobile Application | Introduced by (child) | Project |
Mobile Application | Migrated by (child) | Project |
Mobile Application | Removed by (child) | Project |
Mobile Application | Updated by (child) | Project |
Mobile Application | impacted by (child) | Risk |
Mobile Application | is part of (child) | Solution Use Case |
Objective | has relevance (child) | Actor |
Objective | has target (parent) | Business Capability |
Objective | fulfilled by (child) | Business Requirement |
Objective | led from (child) | Goal |
Objective | leads to (parent) | Initiative |
Objective | measured by (child) | Metric |
Objective | delivered by (parent) | Organizational Unit |
Objective | Owned by (child) | Organizational Unit |
Objective | is influenced by (child) | Policy |
Objective | Implemented by (child) | Project |
Objective | is implemented by (parent) | Project |
Objective | impacted by (child) | Risk |
Objective | Achieved by (child) | Strategy |
Objective | Enabled by (child) | Strategy |
Objective | has target (parent) | Value Stream |
Organizational Unit | Uses (parent) | Business Application |
Organizational Unit | delivers (child) | Business Capability |
Organizational Unit | Uses (parent) | Business Capability |
Organizational Unit | Performs (parent) | Business Function |
Organizational Unit | delivers (child) | Business Product |
Organizational Unit | Owns (parent) | Business Product |
Organizational Unit | Uses (parent) | Business Product |
Organizational Unit | Uses (parent) | Hardware Product |
Organizational Unit | Owns (parent) | Initiative |
Organizational Unit | Performs (parent) | Initiative |
Organizational Unit | delivers (child) | Objective |
Organizational Unit | Owns (parent) | Objective |
Organizational Unit | is influenced by (child) | Policy |
Organizational Unit | Uses (parent) | Portfolio Element |
Organizational Unit | Uses (parent) | Process |
Organizational Unit | Uses (parent) | Process Activity |
Organizational Unit | Uses (parent) | Process Category |
Organizational Unit | Uses (parent) | Process Group |
Organizational Unit | Uses (parent) | Process Operations |
Organizational Unit | Uses (parent) | Process Workflow |
Organizational Unit | impacted by (child) | Risk |
Organizational Unit | Uses (parent) | Software Product |
Organizational Unit | Uses (parent) | Solution Use Case |
Organizational Unit | consists of (parent) | Stakeholder |
Organizational Unit | Uses (parent) | Value Chain |
Organizational Unit | Uses (parent) | Value Stream |
Outcome | Achieved by (child) | Business Capability |
Outcome | required by (child) | Business Capability |
Outcome | is part of (child) | Initiative |
Outcome | contributed by (child) | Stakeholder |
Outcome | is part of (child) | Value Item |
Pattern | has relevance (child) | Actor |
Pattern | is part of (child) | Building Block |
Pattern | consists of (parent) | Business Application |
Pattern | Deployed by (child) | Business Application |
Pattern | consists of (parent) | Component |
Pattern | consists of (parent) | Domain |
Pattern | consists of (parent) | Hardware Product |
Pattern | consists of (parent) | Microservice |
Pattern | consists of (parent) | Mobile Application |
Pattern | consists of (parent) | Pattern |
Pattern | is part of (child) | Pattern |
Pattern | Compliant (parent) | Principle |
Pattern | Conformant (parent) | Principle |
Pattern | Fully Conformant (parent) | Principle |
Pattern | Non-Compliant (parent) | Principle |
Pattern | Non-Conformant (parent) | Principle |
Pattern | Created by (child) | Project |
Pattern | Introduced by (child) | Project |
Pattern | Updated by (child) | Project |
Pattern | impacted by (child) | Risk |
Pattern | consists of (parent) | Social Media |
Pattern | consists of (parent) | Software Product |
Pattern | is part of (child) | Solution Use Case |
Pattern | consists of (parent) | Website |
Physical Interface | has relevance (child) | Actor |
Physical Interface | Transports (parent) | Information Object |
Physical Interface | is Instance of (child) | Logical Interface |
Physical Interface | Receives Data from (child) | Mapped Application Service |
Physical Interface | Sends Data to (parent) | Mapped Application Service |
Physical Interface | Created by (child) | Project |
Physical Interface | Introduced by (child) | Project |
Physical Interface | Migrated by (child) | Project |
Physical Interface | Removed by (child) | Project |
Physical Interface | Updated by (child) | Project |
Physical Interface | impacted by (child) | Risk |
Policy | influences (parent) | Business Capability |
Policy | influences (parent) | Objective |
Policy | influences (parent) | Organizational Unit |
Policy | defined by (child) | Stakeholder |
Portfolio Element | impacted by (child) | Business Event |
Portfolio Element | Used by (child) | Organizational Unit |
Portfolio Element | Created by (child) | Project |
Portfolio Element | Introduced by (child) | Project |
Portfolio Element | Migrated by (child) | Project |
Portfolio Element | Removed by (child) | Project |
Portfolio Element | Updated by (child) | Project |
PPI | consists of (parent) | Metric |
PPI | required by (child) | Value Stream |
Principle | is part of (child) | Building Block |
Principle | Compliant with (child) | Business Application |
Principle | Conformant with (child) | Business Application |
Principle | Fully Conformant with (child) | Business Application |
Principle | Non-Compliant with (child) | Business Application |
Principle | Non-Conformant with (child) | Business Application |
Principle | Compliant with (child) | Business Capability |
Principle | Conformant with (child) | Business Capability |
Principle | Fully Conformant with (child) | Business Capability |
Principle | Non-Compliant with (child) | Business Capability |
Principle | Non-Conformant with (child) | Business Capability |
Principle | Compliant with (child) | Business Product |
Principle | Conformant with (child) | Business Product |
Principle | Fully Conformant with (child) | Business Product |
Principle | Non-Compliant with (child) | Business Product |
Principle | Non-Conformant with (child) | Business Product |
Principle | Compliant with (child) | Hardware Product |
Principle | Conformant with (child) | Hardware Product |
Principle | Fully Conformant with (child) | Hardware Product |
Principle | Non-Compliant with (child) | Hardware Product |
Principle | Non-Conformant with (child) | Hardware Product |
Principle | Compliant with (child) | Logical Application |
Principle | Conformant with (child) | Logical Application |
Principle | Fully Conformant with (child) | Logical Application |
Principle | Non-Compliant with (child) | Logical Application |
Principle | Non-Conformant with (child) | Logical Application |
Principle | Compliant with (child) | Pattern |
Principle | Conformant with (child) | Pattern |
Principle | Fully Conformant with (child) | Pattern |
Principle | Non-Compliant with (child) | Pattern |
Principle | Non-Conformant with (child) | Pattern |
Principle | Compliant with (child) | Process |
Principle | Conformant with (child) | Process |
Principle | Fully Conformant with (child) | Process |
Principle | Non-Compliant with (child) | Process |
Principle | Non-Conformant with (child) | Process |
Principle | Compliant with (child) | Project |
Principle | Conformant with (child) | Project |
Principle | Fully Conformant with (child) | Project |
Principle | Non-Compliant with (child) | Project |
Principle | Non-Conformant with (child) | Project |
Principle | Compliant with (child) | Service |
Principle | Conformant with (child) | Service |
Principle | Fully Conformant with (child) | Service |
Principle | Non-Compliant with (child) | Service |
Principle | Non-Conformant with (child) | Service |
Principle | Compliant with (child) | Software Product |
Principle | Conformant with (child) | Software Product |
Principle | Fully Conformant with (child) | Software Product |
Principle | Non-Compliant with (child) | Software Product |
Principle | Non-Conformant with (child) | Software Product |
Process | has relevance (child) | Actor |
Process | is part of (child) | Building Block |
Process | Uses (parent) | Business Application |
Process | executes (child) | Business Capability |
Process | delivered by (parent) | Business Product |
Process | impacted by (child) | Control |
Process | Creates (parent) | Information Object |
Process | Deletes (parent) | Information Object |
Process | Reads (parent) | Information Object |
Process | Updates (parent) | Information Object |
Process | Uses (parent) | Information Object |
Process | Used by (child) | Organizational Unit |
Process | Compliant (parent) | Principle |
Process | Conformant (parent) | Principle |
Process | Fully Conformant (parent) | Principle |
Process | Non-Compliant (parent) | Principle |
Process | Non-Conformant (parent) | Principle |
Process | has predecessor (child) | Process |
Process | has successor (parent) | Process |
Process | consists of (parent) | Process Activity |
Process | is part of (child) | Process Group |
Process | Created by (child) | Project |
Process | Introduced by (child) | Project |
Process | Removed by (child) | Project |
Process | Updated by (child) | Project |
Process | impacted by (child) | Risk |
Process | Provided by (child) | Service |
Process | Uses (parent) | Service |
Process | is part of (parent) | Value Chain |
Process Activity | has relevance (child) | Actor |
Process Activity | executes (child) | Business Capability |
Process Activity | impacted by (child) | Control |
Process Activity | Creates (parent) | Information Object |
Process Activity | Deletes (parent) | Information Object |
Process Activity | Reads (parent) | Information Object |
Process Activity | Updates (parent) | Information Object |
Process Activity | is part of (child) | Process |
Process Activity | consists of (parent) | Process Task |
Process Activity | Implemented by (child) | Process Workflow |
Process Activity | Created by (child) | Project |
Process Activity | Introduced by (child) | Project |
Process Activity | Migrated by (child) | Project |
Process Activity | Removed by (child) | Project |
Process Activity | Updated by (child) | Project |
Process Activity | impacted by (child) | Risk |
Process Activity | is part of (child) | Value Stream |
Process Category | has relevance (child) | Actor |
Process Category | impacted by (child) | Control |
Process Category | consists of (parent) | Process Group |
Process Category | Created by (child) | Project |
Process Category | Introduced by (child) | Project |
Process Category | Migrated by (child) | Project |
Process Category | Removed by (child) | Project |
Process Category | Updated by (child) | Project |
Process Category | impacted by (child) | Risk |
Process Group | has relevance (child) | Actor |
Process Group | impacted by (child) | Control |
Process Group | consists of (parent) | Process |
Process Group | is part of (child) | Process Category |
Process Group | Created by (child) | Project |
Process Group | Introduced by (child) | Project |
Process Group | Migrated by (child) | Project |
Process Group | Removed by (child) | Project |
Process Group | Updated by (child) | Project |
Process Group | impacted by (child) | Risk |
Process Operations | has relevance (child) | Actor |
Process Operations | impacted by (child) | Control |
Process Operations | Creates (parent) | Information Object |
Process Operations | Deletes (parent) | Information Object |
Process Operations | Reads (parent) | Information Object |
Process Operations | Updates (parent) | Information Object |
Process Operations | measured by (child) | Measure |
Process Operations | is part of (child) | Process Task |
Process Operations | Created by (child) | Project |
Process Operations | Introduced by (child) | Project |
Process Operations | Migrated by (child) | Project |
Process Operations | Removed by (child) | Project |
Process Operations | Updated by (child) | Project |
Process Operations | impacted by (child) | Risk |
Process Operations | is part of (child) | Solution Use Case |
Process Task | has relevance (child) | Actor |
Process Task | impacted by (child) | Control |
Process Task | measured by (child) | Measure |
Process Task | measured by (child) | Metric |
Process Task | is part of (child) | Process Activity |
Process Task | consists of (parent) | Process Operations |
Process Task | is part of (child) | Process Workflow |
Process Task | Created by (child) | Project |
Process Task | Introduced by (child) | Project |
Process Task | Migrated by (child) | Project |
Process Task | Removed by (child) | Project |
Process Task | Updated by (child) | Project |
Process Task | impacted by (child) | Risk |
Process Task | Implemented by (child) | Solution Use Case |
Process Workflow | has relevance (child) | Actor |
Process Workflow | impacted by (child) | Control |
Process Workflow | Implements (parent) | Process Activity |
Process Workflow | consists of (parent) | Process Task |
Process Workflow | Created by (child) | Project |
Process Workflow | Introduced by (child) | Project |
Process Workflow | Migrated by (child) | Project |
Process Workflow | Removed by (child) | Project |
Process Workflow | Updated by (child) | Project |
Process Workflow | impacted by (child) | Risk |
Product Line | Contains (parent) | Business Product |
Program | has relevance (child) | Actor |
Program | Governs (parent) | Project |
Program | impacted by (child) | Risk |
Program | implements (child) | Strategy |
Project | has relevance (child) | Actor |
Project | Creates (parent) | Business Application |
Project | Deletes (parent) | Business Application |
Project | Introduces (parent) | Business Application |
Project | Migrates (parent) | Business Application |
Project | Removes (parent) | Business Application |
Project | Updates (parent) | Business Application |
Project | Creates (parent) | Business Capability |
Project | Introduces (parent) | Business Capability |
Project | Removes (parent) | Business Capability |
Project | Updates (parent) | Business Capability |
Project | Creates (parent) | Business Process |
Project | Introduces (parent) | Business Process |
Project | Removes (parent) | Business Process |
Project | Updates (parent) | Business Process |
Project | Creates (parent) | Business Product |
Project | Introduces (parent) | Business Product |
Project | Removes (parent) | Business Product |
Project | Updates (parent) | Business Product |
Project | Creates (parent) | Data Store |
Project | Introduces (parent) | Data Store |
Project | Removes (parent) | Data Store |
Project | Updates (parent) | Data Store |
Project | Creates (parent) | Database |
Project | Introduces (parent) | Database |
Project | Migrates (parent) | Database |
Project | Updates (parent) | Database |
Project | Creates (parent) | Domain |
Project | Introduces (parent) | Domain |
Project | Migrates (parent) | Domain |
Project | Removes (parent) | Domain |
Project | Updates (parent) | Domain |
Project | Introduces (parent) | Hardware Product |
Project | Migrates (parent) | Hardware Product |
Project | Removes (parent) | Hardware Product |
Project | Updates (parent) | Hardware Product |
Project | Creates (parent) | Information Object |
Project | Introduces (parent) | Information Object |
Project | Removes (parent) | Information Object |
Project | Updates (parent) | Information Object |
Project | implements (child) | Initiative |
Project | Creates (parent) | Journey |
Project | Introduces (parent) | Journey |
Project | Migrates (parent) | Journey |
Project | Removes (parent) | Journey |
Project | Updates (parent) | Journey |
Project | Creates (parent) | Logical Interface |
Project | Introduces (parent) | Logical Interface |
Project | Removes (parent) | Logical Interface |
Project | Updates (parent) | Logical Interface |
Project | Creates (parent) | Mapped Application Service |
Project | Introduces (parent) | Mapped Application Service |
Project | Migrates (parent) | Mapped Application Service |
Project | Removes (parent) | Mapped Application Service |
Project | Updates (parent) | Mapped Application Service |
Project | Creates (parent) | Microservice |
Project | Introduces (parent) | Microservice |
Project | Migrates (parent) | Microservice |
Project | Removes (parent) | Microservice |
Project | Updates (parent) | Microservice |
Project | Creates (parent) | Mobile Application |
Project | Introduces (parent) | Mobile Application |
Project | Migrates (parent) | Mobile Application |
Project | Removes (parent) | Mobile Application |
Project | Updates (parent) | Mobile Application |
Project | implements (child) | Objective |
Project | Implements (parent) | Objective |
Project | Creates (parent) | Pattern |
Project | Introduces (parent) | Pattern |
Project | Updates (parent) | Pattern |
Project | Creates (parent) | Physical Interface |
Project | Introduces (parent) | Physical Interface |
Project | Migrates (parent) | Physical Interface |
Project | Removes (parent) | Physical Interface |
Project | Updates (parent) | Physical Interface |
Project | Creates (parent) | Portfolio Element |
Project | Introduces (parent) | Portfolio Element |
Project | Migrates (parent) | Portfolio Element |
Project | Removes (parent) | Portfolio Element |
Project | Updates (parent) | Portfolio Element |
Project | Compliant (parent) | Principle |
Project | Conformant (parent) | Principle |
Project | Fully Conformant (parent) | Principle |
Project | Non-Compliant (parent) | Principle |
Project | Non-Conformant (parent) | Principle |
Project | Creates (parent) | Process |
Project | Introduces (parent) | Process |
Project | Removes (parent) | Process |
Project | Updates (parent) | Process |
Project | Creates (parent) | Process Activity |
Project | Introduces (parent) | Process Activity |
Project | Migrates (parent) | Process Activity |
Project | Removes (parent) | Process Activity |
Project | Updates (parent) | Process Activity |
Project | Creates (parent) | Process Category |
Project | Introduces (parent) | Process Category |
Project | Migrates (parent) | Process Category |
Project | Removes (parent) | Process Category |
Project | Updates (parent) | Process Category |
Project | Creates (parent) | Process Group |
Project | Introduces (parent) | Process Group |
Project | Migrates (parent) | Process Group |
Project | Removes (parent) | Process Group |
Project | Updates (parent) | Process Group |
Project | Creates (parent) | Process Operations |
Project | Introduces (parent) | Process Operations |
Project | Migrates (parent) | Process Operations |
Project | Removes (parent) | Process Operations |
Project | Updates (parent) | Process Operations |
Project | Creates (parent) | Process Task |
Project | Introduces (parent) | Process Task |
Project | Migrates (parent) | Process Task |
Project | Removes (parent) | Process Task |
Project | Updates (parent) | Process Task |
Project | Creates (parent) | Process Workflow |
Project | Introduces (parent) | Process Workflow |
Project | Migrates (parent) | Process Workflow |
Project | Removes (parent) | Process Workflow |
Project | Updates (parent) | Process Workflow |
Project | Governed by (child) | Program |
Project | Depends on (parent) | Project |
Project | consists of (parent) | Project Task |
Project | impacted by (child) | Risk |
Project | Creates (parent) | Server |
Project | Introduces (parent) | Server |
Project | Updates (parent) | Server |
Project | Creates (parent) | Service |
Project | Introduces (parent) | Service |
Project | Removes (parent) | Service |
Project | Updates (parent) | Service |
Project | Creates (parent) | Social Media |
Project | Introduces (parent) | Social Media |
Project | Migrates (parent) | Social Media |
Project | Removes (parent) | Social Media |
Project | Updates (parent) | Social Media |
Project | Creates (parent) | Software Product |
Project | Introduces (parent) | Software Product |
Project | Migrates (parent) | Software Product |
Project | Removes (parent) | Software Product |
Project | Updates (parent) | Software Product |
Project | Creates (parent) | Solution Use Case |
Project | Introduces (parent) | Solution Use Case |
Project | Migrates (parent) | Solution Use Case |
Project | Removes (parent) | Solution Use Case |
Project | Updates (parent) | Solution Use Case |
Project | implements (child) | Strategy |
Project | Creates (parent) | Value Stream |
Project | Introduces (parent) | Value Stream |
Project | Migrates (parent) | Value Stream |
Project | Removes (parent) | Value Stream |
Project | Updates (parent) | Value Stream |
Project | Creates (parent) | Website |
Project | Introduces (parent) | Website |
Project | Migrates (parent) | Website |
Project | Removes (parent) | Website |
Project | Updates (parent) | Website |
Project Task | is part of (child) | Project |
Project Task | impacted by (child) | Risk |
Risk | impacts (parent) | Actor |
Risk | impacts (parent) | Building Block |
Risk | impacts (parent) | Business Application |
Risk | impacts (parent) | Business Capability |
Risk | impacts (parent) | Business Process |
Risk | impacts (parent) | Business Product |
Risk | impacts (parent) | Channel |
Risk | impacts (parent) | Data Store |
Risk | impacts (parent) | Domain |
Risk | impacts (parent) | Driver |
Risk | impacts (parent) | Goal |
Risk | impacts (parent) | Hardware Product |
Risk | impacts (parent) | Initiative |
Risk | impacts (parent) | Journey |
Risk | impacts (parent) | Logical Interface |
Risk | impacts (parent) | Mapped Application Service |
Risk | impacts (parent) | Market |
Risk | measured by (child) | Metric |
Risk | impacts (parent) | Microservice |
Risk | impacts (parent) | Mobile Application |
Risk | impacts (parent) | Objective |
Risk | impacts (parent) | Organizational Unit |
Risk | impacts (parent) | Pattern |
Risk | impacts (parent) | Physical Interface |
Risk | impacts (parent) | Process |
Risk | impacts (parent) | Process Activity |
Risk | impacts (parent) | Process Category |
Risk | impacts (parent) | Process Group |
Risk | impacts (parent) | Process Operations |
Risk | impacts (parent) | Process Task |
Risk | impacts (parent) | Process Workflow |
Risk | impacts (parent) | Program |
Risk | impacts (parent) | Project |
Risk | impacts (parent) | Project Task |
Risk | impacts (parent) | Service |
Risk | impacts (parent) | Social Media |
Risk | impacts (parent) | Software Product |
Risk | impacts (parent) | Solution Use Case |
Risk | impacts (parent) | Strategy |
Risk | impacts (parent) | Technical Capability |
Risk | impacts (parent) | Value Chain |
Risk | impacts (parent) | Value Stream |
Risk | impacts (parent) | Website |
Server | has relevance (child) | Actor |
Server | Deploys (parent) | Hardware Product |
Server | is Instance of (child) | Hardware Product |
Server | Created by (child) | Project |
Server | Introduced by (child) | Project |
Server | Updated by (child) | Project |
Service | has relevance (child) | Actor |
Service | is part of (child) | Building Block |
Service | Contains (parent) | Business Application |
Service | Provides (parent) | Business Capability |
Service | Depends on (parent) | Mapped Application Service |
Service | Compliant (parent) | Principle |
Service | Conformant (parent) | Principle |
Service | Fully Conformant (parent) | Principle |
Service | Non-Compliant (parent) | Principle |
Service | Non-Conformant (parent) | Principle |
Service | Created by (child) | Project |
Service | Introduced by (child) | Project |
Service | Removed by (child) | Project |
Service | Updated by (child) | Project |
Service | impacted by (child) | Risk |
Social Media | has relevance (child) | Actor |
Social Media | is part of (child) | Pattern |
Social Media | Created by (child) | Project |
Social Media | Introduced by (child) | Project |
Social Media | Migrated by (child) | Project |
Social Media | Removed by (child) | Project |
Social Media | Updated by (child) | Project |
Social Media | impacted by (child) | Risk |
Social Media | is part of (child) | Solution Use Case |
Software | is Instance of (child) | Software Product |
Software Product | has relevance (child) | Actor |
Software Product | consists of (parent) | Component |
Software Product | Used by (child) | Organizational Unit |
Software Product | is part of (child) | Pattern |
Software Product | Compliant (parent) | Principle |
Software Product | Conformant (parent) | Principle |
Software Product | Fully Conformant (parent) | Principle |
Software Product | Non-Compliant (parent) | Principle |
Software Product | Non-Conformant (parent) | Principle |
Software Product | Created by (child) | Project |
Software Product | Introduced by (child) | Project |
Software Product | Migrated by (child) | Project |
Software Product | Removed by (child) | Project |
Software Product | Updated by (child) | Project |
Software Product | impacted by (child) | Risk |
Software Product | has Instance (parent) | Software |
Software Product | has target (parent) | Software Product |
Software Product | is target (child) | Software Product |
Software Product | required by (child) | Software Product |
Software Product | requires (parent) | Software Product |
Software Product | is part of (child) | Solution Use Case |
Software Product | Provides (child) | Technical Capability |
Solution Use Case | has relevance (child) | Actor |
Solution Use Case | consists of (parent) | Component |
Solution Use Case | impacted by (child) | Control |
Solution Use Case | consists of (parent) | Domain |
Solution Use Case | consists of (parent) | Hardware Product |
Solution Use Case | consists of (parent) | Microservice |
Solution Use Case | consists of (parent) | Mobile Application |
Solution Use Case | consists of (parent) | Pattern |
Solution Use Case | consists of (parent) | Process Operations |
Solution Use Case | Implements (parent) | Process Task |
Solution Use Case | Created by (child) | Project |
Solution Use Case | Introduced by (child) | Project |
Solution Use Case | Migrated by (child) | Project |
Solution Use Case | Removed by (child) | Project |
Solution Use Case | Updated by (child) | Project |
Solution Use Case | impacted by (child) | Risk |
Solution Use Case | consists of (parent) | Social Media |
Solution Use Case | consists of (parent) | Software Product |
Solution Use Case | consists of (parent) | Website |
Stakeholder | is target (child) | Business Requirement |
Stakeholder | defines (parent) | Information Object |
Stakeholder | is part of (child) | Journey |
Stakeholder | is part of (child) | Organizational Unit |
Stakeholder | contributes (parent) | Outcome |
Stakeholder | defines (parent) | Policy |
Stakeholder | defines (parent) | Strategy |
Stakeholder | Owns (parent) | Strategy |
Stakeholder | participates in (parent) | Touchpoint |
Stakeholder | desires (parent) | Value Proposition |
Stakeholder | triggers (parent) | Value Stream |
Stakeholder | participates in (parent) | Value Stream Stage |
Strategy | has relevance (child) | Actor |
Strategy | is part of (child) | Building Block |
Strategy | influences (parent) | Business Capability |
Strategy | impacts (parent) | Business Product |
Strategy | led from (child) | Goal |
Strategy | is implemented by (parent) | Initiative |
Strategy | influences (parent) | Journey |
Strategy | Achieves (parent) | Objective |
Strategy | Enables (parent) | Objective |
Strategy | is implemented by (parent) | Program |
Strategy | is implemented by (parent) | Project |
Strategy | impacted by (child) | Risk |
Strategy | defined by (child) | Stakeholder |
Strategy | Owned by (child) | Stakeholder |
Strategy | leads to (parent) | Strategy |
Strategy | led from (child) | Strategy |
Strategy | influences (parent) | Value Stream |
Technical Capability | has relevance (child) | Actor |
Technical Capability | Enables (parent) | Business Application |
Technical Capability | required by (child) | Business Capability |
Technical Capability | Provided By (parent) | Component |
Technical Capability | Provided By (parent) | Domain |
Technical Capability | Provided By (parent) | Hardware Product |
Technical Capability | Provided By (parent) | Microservice |
Technical Capability | Provided By (parent) | Mobile Application |
Technical Capability | Provided By (parent) | Pattern |
Technical Capability | impacted by (child) | Risk |
Technical Capability | Provided By (parent) | Social Media |
Technical Capability | Provided By (parent) | Software Product |
Technical Capability | Provided By (parent) | Website |
Touchpoint | is part of (child) | Journey Stage |
Touchpoint | has participant (child) | Stakeholder |
Touchpoint | delivers (child) | Value Item |
Value Chain | has relevance (child) | Actor |
Value Chain | delivered by (parent) | Business Capability |
Value Chain | impacted by (child) | Control |
Value Chain | consists of (child) | Process |
Value Chain | impacted by (child) | Risk |
Value Chain | has predecessor (child) | Value Chain |
Value Chain | has successor (parent) | Value Chain |
Value Chain | consists of (parent) | Value Stream |
Value Item | consists of (parent) | Outcome |
Value Item | delivered by (parent) | Touchpoint |
Value Item | consists of (parent) | Value Proposition |
Value Item | produced by (child) | Value Stream Stage |
Value Proposition | delivered by (parent) | Business Product |
Value Proposition | desired by (child) | Stakeholder |
Value Proposition | is part of (child) | Value Item |
Value Proposition | delivered by (parent) | Value Stream |
Value Stream | has relevance (child) | Actor |
Value Stream | is part of (child) | Building Block |
Value Stream | impacted by (child) | Control |
Value Stream | impacted by (child) | Initiative |
Value Stream | Implements (parent) | Journey |
Value Stream | requires (parent) | KPI |
Value Stream | requires (parent) | KRI |
Value Stream | is target (child) | Objective |
Value Stream | requires (parent) | PPI |
Value Stream | consists of (parent) | Process Activity |
Value Stream | Created by (child) | Project |
Value Stream | Introduced by (child) | Project |
Value Stream | Migrated by (child) | Project |
Value Stream | Removed by (child) | Project |
Value Stream | Updated by (child) | Project |
Value Stream | impacted by (child) | Risk |
Value Stream | triggered by (child) | Stakeholder |
Value Stream | is influenced by (child) | Strategy |
Value Stream | is part of (child) | Value Chain |
Value Stream | delivers (child) | Value Proposition |
Value Stream | Contains (parent) | Value Stream Stage |
Value Stream Stage | requires (parent) | Business Application |
Value Stream Stage | Enabled by (child) | Business Capability |
Value Stream Stage | defines (parent) | Business Requirement |
Value Stream Stage | impacted by (child) | Initiative |
Value Stream Stage | Enables (parent) | Journey Stage |
Value Stream Stage | has participant (child) | Stakeholder |
Value Stream Stage | produces (parent) | Value Item |
Value Stream Stage | Contained by (child) | Value Stream |
Vision | has relevance (child) | Actor |
Vision | leads to (parent) | Mission |
Website | has relevance (child) | Actor |
Website | is part of (child) | Pattern |
Website | Created by (child) | Project |
Website | Introduced by (child) | Project |
Website | Migrated by (child) | Project |
Website | Removed by (child) | Project |
Website | Updated by (child) | Project |
Website | impacted by (child) | Risk |
Website | is part of (child) | Solution Use Case |
Updated 8 months ago