Business Value Accelerator™
Most companies are challenged in delivering value with Enterprise Portfolio Management (EPM) and Enterprise Architecture Management (EAM) for a variety of reasons:
- Invisibility of management goals & objectives
- Lack of proper stakeholder analysis and expectation management
- Missing operational processes, accountability and responsibilities
- Maintaining irrelevant data with no business value contribution
- No sense for data quality and scope
- Lack of providing sense-full insight and information for decision making
The Business Value Accelerator (BVA) describes ins-pi’s overall centric approach to manage enterprise portfolios. It is based on decades of experience and best-practices to have sustainable, consistent and agile practice in place to provide business value with Unified Portfolio Management by delivering:
- an industry proven, structured, end-to-end operational process
- visibility of stakeholder priorities & objectives
- alignment of objectives with data requirements
- clear data definitions of crucial and mandatory data
- iterative and agile data collection approach
- real-time data quality reporting
- clear roles and responsibilities
- full control about achievements tracking

Business Value Accelerator
Updated 14 days ago