
A Recommendation specifies a Portfolio Elements future based on analysis and assessments results. The pre-defined and extensible recommendations are:

  • Consolidate
  • Discontinue
  • Introduce
  • Optimize
  • Outsource
  • Replace
  • Standardize
  • Sustain

Recommendation Field

The Recommendation field shows the latest updated recommendation.

Recommendation Tab

The Recommendation Tab shows all available recommendations.

A – The new button will open the Recommendation Form to create a new Recommendation.

B – Shows the Recommendation.

C – Target date until the Recommendation should take place. Typically, a project will perform the transformation. So it becomes essential to compare the Recommendation and Internal Lifecycle of the Portfolio Element.

D – Optional description to understand the motivation behind the Recommendation.


The list view can be extended to see the last update date and the person who has done the update.