The installation of UPM-X is easy but is an admin task! Before the application can be installed, ServiceNow has to entitle the licenses on your company's instances first.
ServiceNow HI-Account required
This document is written primarily for ServiceNow administrators who want to install Designer and configure it for ServiceNow users.
The installation of the UPM-X application needs to be performed by your ServiceNow admin and takes around 10-15 minutes. It is a complete handsfree installation and needs to be performed on the non-production instances, e.g., sandbox, development, test, training, pre-production, and the production instance.
After successfully purchasing the UPM-X application licenses will be automatically assigned by ServiceNow to your organization's ServiceNow instances but need to be entitled first.
Commercial On-premise Customer?
Here are the instructions for on-premise customers.
To receive entitlement, go to the app details page on the store.
- Login with your HI credentials. Please contact your company HI admin if you do not have credentials.
- Click on Complete Purchase.
- You will be presented with the contract details.
- Accept the Site Terms of Use checkbox and click on the Complete Purchase button.
- Your app will then be entitled to install on your ServiceNow instances.
Installation Instructions
Login to the ServiceNow instance on which you want to install the app.
Navigate to System Applications > All Available Applications > All.
Filter for All Available Applications and select All.
Search for UPM-X and select Install.
Ensure the Load demo data checkbox is checked to ensure UPM-X installs with demo data.
From the installation pop-up, select Install.
Updated 14 days ago